Week 4 Progress Photo – Need top learn to stand the correct distance from camera…

Overview of Week 4

Hey folks, thanks for checking in with me this week. Right this is getting ridiculous as I write this the site isn’t live (it must be now if you’re reading not though). I really don’t know why I didn’t just do a facebook page.. However as per last week I’m writing this late in fact its currently week 6! However I shall do my best to give an accurate picture of how week 4 went!

Pretty damn good, drinking more water sleeping well and doing pretty well on the food front but I’m not nailing my targets which is really important and I need to get it under better control (and I already know how week 5 went). I cannot hope to get consistency if I’m going too far over or too far under my macro targets. As I say though all in all a good week.

A Look at the Data

Week 4 Data

Steps and exercise

For a change I smashed my step count. Some really long walks at the weekend and managed to hit the hard part which is during the working week. I am basically sit in a 5 foot by 5 foot room all day sitting at a computer as im working from home. I go to the gym at lunch time if LL is at home and I walk the dog at lunch time if she’s off being saving the world being Super lawyer and getting people their dream homes!

Most weeks by evening time im pretty burst and simply cant face going out for a walk and would naturally opt for some playstation or TV time to destress. The crazy thing is a walk at this time would be the best thing for me pretty much the best destresser and counterintuitively would actually give me more energy for the evening to do some work on my site or study my PT course. On top of that come bed time I’d be more tired but in a good way and more likely to get a goods nights rest so this is my promise to myself to get off my lazy ass and get out for 30 minute walk with the pooch.


Whilst I’m still losing weight at a good rate I fear this is going to plateau soon and if cant get out more it means a cut in calories. Probably a cut of around a 100 calories a day. So ill see how week 5 goes (I know, I know  I’ve already done week 5 but its exciting for you guys cos you don’t know how it went oh the drama). But for this week a solid average loss of 0.7kg slightly ahead on target.

Calories and undereating

Now on the down side I’m undereating only 600 calories over the week, but as I read over what I did I realize I fell into a classic “dieters trap”. On a day where I undereat but my hunger is fine I think, awesome bank that! Over time however this is going to catch up on me, in my workouts or at work or maybe those hunger demons on my shoulder will tempt me towards some of my grubby favorites (microwave burgers  and sausage rolls nom nom) .

What I should be doing (as long im not specifically banking calories perhaps for an night out) is catching back up over the next few days. Make sure im not losing out on key micronutrients or major macros simply because I wasn’t feeling particularly hungry on a given day.

Conversely of course it’s worth noting that if I do overeat slightly one day, big deal. Who knows what external stresses are going to affect us day to day. Its important to listen to your body. So again too many calories one day just cut a little out over next couple of days to average it back out. Consistency is the key to this. We don’t want to be swinging between extremes (not that my numbers are extreme but you get the point). For now,  im not demonstrating consistency terribly well this week so buck up Dave, sort it out! 


A quick analysis shows protein and carbs quite a bit too low on average for the week, so a real chance this will impact my energy and satiety level over the course. Whilst of course fat is an energy store its not as accessible as carbohydrates, and if I’m not careful this could become an issue.

By and large I wouldn’t normally worry too much between my carb and fat intake as long as I’m hitting protein goals and calories but It’s something to keep an eye on if my energy levels dip.

Progress photo and measurement charts.


Still all fairly Steady , waist and hips pretty static nothing terribly exciting!

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