I told you I’d deal with that unsightly body hair

Overview of Week 3

Not going to lie I’m writing this almost a full week late… So in the spirit of openness things are a bit fuzzy now, my memory isn’t what it used to be. Nows a good time to declare that I’m getting my qualifications so I can put a bit more oomph behind what im saying. For anyone who read my “about me” page, I got made redundant at the start of the project and whilst I will continue to work my present job I’m going to train to become a PT focusing on nutrition and strength training to begin with.

Why am I telling you this now? it’s my excuse of course. I’m now using my spare time to study and that has meant not enough time for now to focus on the blog although its all tied in of course.

The main thing I can say about last week is that it was a great week for the plan, no distractions, no boozy nights or meals out. To my shame I’m celebrating just over 1 week dry this week for the first time since well before lockdown. It was my boozy habits that drove me into the ground. So whilst it’s excellent for adhering to a weight-loss programme its also great for my overall health and wellbeing and that’s really the main focus of all this. I don’t intend to quit drink forever I just need to rebuild a healthier relationship with it… we still have a considerable amount of bridge building to do before we can be friends again.

A look at the data.


Starting with my weight, as expected we got a wee bump due to my anniversary night out last week with LL and this has now levelled out and I got back to my previous low of 78.3. Although this went back up again a little bit that’s really normal and I continue to be happy with the overall progress.

I didn’t draw attention to this last week but I also record my average weekly weight. sometimes you find especially at weekends you get some measurements that you feel skew your week. Using the weekly average is a good way to get an alternate view. So in fact last week although I end up where is started my average was down 0.5kg. This week its not moved at all. I can either view last week as great or this week depending on how I want look at things either way the weekend bump gets in the way of one of them!

Weight loss graph


Last week I was a little down on my protein and calories overall. I SMASHED it this week pithing 2g of my protein target and only 399 out on the week (under) so getting closer to where I want to be be which is pretty much getting all my targets green on my sexy little progress box.

Step count and cardio

Step count and cardio (which I need to rename as exercise calories) was back up a bit again and im getting some great long walks with pooch and LL at the weekends. Overtime my confidence and ability to walk longer and faster improves and this gives me the motivation to walk at times I might not otherwise do so next week il try to incorporate even more steps into my routine, I’m off work next week so that will help!

Need to change my exercise calorie goal as it far too low. /essentially I really use my Apple Watch for his and its my move goal (currently set at 660). The watch tracks calories when you are doing anything above a resting rate so basically anything from housework to climbing a hill will count.


All Steadily coming down, a slight bump in waist this week but easily enough to fit into the bounds of variance within measuring technique/consistency. A little too tight/high or low makes a small difference which we can ignore over time.