Week 5 Progress Photo – Definite progress! Builders tan still being worked on

Overview of Week 5

Almost back on track this week with getting my week down on paper. I try to do this on a Sunday but as we’ll see some bad habits started creep in this week. Lets start with good news though nobody wants to kick off with doom and gloom! I’m really pleased with my progress pic this week, I can really see a difference now and I’m beginning to feel closer to my old self and that in itself is hugely motivating. Another 0.5kg average weight loss for the week so again on the surface all is well with the world the birds and butterflies should be fluttering around my head and the world should be thickly layered with a deep rosy tint.

A Look at the Data

Week 5 Data

Not everything fully going to plan

So what’s wrong? Rather than getting closer to my macro goals I got further away. My calorie intake has been pretty steady though hence no major damage being done. I just haven’t felt myself this week (ooOOh matron): Ok I may be missing the mark with my target audience on that quote but c’mon everyone loves carry on films don’t they?  

Bad habits

Energy levels have just been a bit low. I’ve not had the buzz I’ve been feeling getting back on the  exercise and health horse. Last week at work was pretty stressful. I wouldn’t say for any particular reason, just a build up of pressure and its felt pretty relentless. Now rather than being completely true to my goals I let a couple of bad habits start to creep in. This involved staying up later watching TV and PlayStation. After work rather than studying for my PT course and working on this I was just plonking myself on the sofa. I even had a couple of gins on Friday. Not quite the mad sessions I was doing before I gave myself a kick in the butt but perhaps a concerning development. 


Now the great thing about the project and fact I’m trying to record what’s going on as best I can. As I share what are completely normal ups and downs and life’s challenges in effect I’m writing a journal. Journaling has been proven to be an extremely effect tool for people on weight loss journey. The idea being that journaling helps you consider what your actions are and allows you think objectively about them without the emotion. It can help alleviate stress to get your thoughts down and this will all positively impact your overall journey. Now I’m deliberately not going to wax lyrical about this. I’ll be honest, although LL is all about this and has spoken to me at length it has never felt like my bag. However I’m a sudden convert. 

Having to talk about how my week has gone has allowed me to pick up on some things. Things I simply don’t think I’d have noticed otherwise. I don’t even think I’d have acknowledged I was a bit stressed last week or that my habits were on a negative curve. I feel I’m in a position to act on this before any real damage has been done. By damage I don’t mean oh no I wont lose weight. I’m talking abut my general wellbeing, keeping my positivity and energy and excitement about my life and what I’m doing. Bad food choices or bad lifestyle choices can induce a real negative spiral. Before you know it you’re just feeling a bit lost. Just by writing this all down I’m feeling energized like I’ve fixed a problem I didn’t even realize I had, woah… deep man. 

Calories and Macros

Right where was I, better stop hugging that tree it was getting awkward for both of us. Waaay off on my protein goal this week, a whole day of protein down, also down on my carbs. Now that’s a few weeks running and although its not a massive amount I was definitely getting craving towards the end of the week I even sent the LL out for digestives! (check out myfitness pal it all goes in there!).


Another spot on 0.5kg average weight loss this week. I only really recorded 2 different weights this week. At time this feels like my weight has hit a mini plateau. This is completely normal. you can record virtually the same weight all week and feel like noting is happening. It is, if it doesn’t show on the scales, it’ll show on the measurements. If it doesn’t show on the measurements it shows in the photo’s. Either way if you’ve stuck to plan its working, patience padawans.

Even if weight is stagnant for a couple of weeks not major concern but something to keep an eye on. If for example I stay exactly at 77.4 next week. I might consider reducing my calories by 100 a day and see how that feels.

Step count

Again steps were down on my target and particularly poor weekday effort so as I said last week I’m going to make a concerted effort to go out with pooch before or after work to get that up, it really is an unbeatable way of relieving stress working the CV system (you need to walk at more than an amble kids) and burning a few extra calories to support your goal without doing crazy runs or cycles which themselves can just leave you feeling really hungry and maybe eating your way out of your good work!


Chest/Waist/Hip Measurements

No massive change in my measurements in fact a couple have gone up a bit but like I say I think its clear from the progress pic that great steady safe progress is being made. If I can get on top of just a couple of little factors I think I can virtually guarantee that this will continue until I hit my goal.   

Next weeks mini challenge

Now I do have a mini challenge on the horizon. One of my best buds is coming to visit me all the way from auld Reekie (Edinburgh) to Aberdeen. I’m looking forward to a couple of glasses of wine and a nice meal and not tracking for day. Next week ill talk through a little bit about the concept of a diet break.