
What a cracking day out. Luscious Lady (LL) and I had a fantastic day out with out friends. The sun was shining what more can you ask for. So did all go to plan? Not 100% but I’m very pleased overall and I don’t feel anything was sacrificed in the way of fun.

Preparation for the Day

Our day started as most of our Saturdays would, get up, have breakfast, go to the gym, walk the dog. We got up a little earlier than usual (well I did as LL gets up at stupid o’clock most mornings even the weekend) as we had so much to fit in. Out of bed by 8 and off to the gym by 8:30. Started my day with staple brekkie of oats with protein and berries. A Total fave and I rarely want anything else. Standard workout for me with resistance training and LL did one of her daily routines online with Rhaynell @rhaynell fitness.

Home again and straight out for Belles walkies. We just took her round the local park. We are very blessed as this is both on our front door and has a lovely river along its length so pooch can cool off regularly. The walk also has plenty wildlife for her to sniff out and occasionally annoy.

With that done it was hometime and off for a costume change. I managed to squeeze into one of my old shirts that wasn’t too il fitting (I haven’t really bought any news clothes since lockdown and I’ve changed quite a bit). LL was looking fab in her skinny jeans and summer top.

A short drive into town and then a walk to the restaurant. This was a lot bloody further away than I’d been led to believe but hey im getting my steps in!

The Meal

After the usual Covid protocols, we were sat down and our friends were already there. Kicking things off with a bit of chat. Of course part of this lunch was to set be set up with a “mate match” and we were sat across from one another. I think he was as nervous as I was. It’s never easy to be told you are going to like someone! Nevertheless were soon chatting away and sharing stories.

Time to peruse the menu. We had chosen a Thai restaurant and I really love Thai food so plenty to choose from. It became apparent pretty quickly that no having starters was not really going to be an option! I tried to choose something I’d like but not too heavy and went for a sharing plate of seafood starters.

Irritatingly the starter contained at least one fairly large piece of breaded fish as well as a couple of prawns and bits of squid. Of course I caved and ate mine it was pretty good lets not lie.

On to the main course. Lots of delicious curries and tempting pad Thai, noodles rice etc to choose from. They they also had a nice selection of sea bass. I’ve been lucky enough to go to Thailand once and fish is something I really enjoyed out there. It was pretty damn spicy and I love spicy food -feel the burn. It also came on a bed of veg but there was quite a rich oily sauce throughout and after id eaten the fish alone I was genuinely full up, especially after the starter. I hadn’t ordered rice or noodles but there we’re some have some of that on the table to share so if id still been hungry I would have had some of that.


I feel I smashed it on the booze front. Stuck to having gin and slimline tonic. A couple with the meal then another as we moved on to somewhere else to try to enjoy the sun. Due to these darn Covid restrictions everywhere we tried to gowas booked . We ended up having our final drinky inside in the end. Who cares when your having fun though, a bit of booze loosening the lips and ore stories coming out. Afternoon lunch, Nailed it.


After that the train and home again, feeling pretty full up neither myself nor LL were feeling up to tea, so we had a little ice cream (this will definitely appear in my upcoming cheeky snack ideas post) and a small glass of wine to chill out and reflect on a great day and watch a movie (The duchess on Netflix if you’re interested, Im not sure I would recommend it but it was ok).

Time for bed said Zebidee

Totally knackered and feeling happy it was off to bed at 10, as I’ve said before one of my issues pre project was sleep, I just want able to get tired and go to sleep so im really relishing this feeling of being tired and getting to bed.

The Verdict

Final verdict? I guess I and drank around 1400 calories of course its hard to tell when you eat at a restaurant and frankly it doesn’t matter that much all you can do is make as many sensible choices that don’t make you feel like you are missing as you can. for the rest of the day I only ended up tracking another 650 calories or so. All in all I was probably under my daily allowance of 2100 anyway, so all that saving goes into the bank!

which is great because its our 5th anniversary next week and we are off to Edinburgh. Definitely not the start to the project I would have hoped for but its real life!