Before delving into the plan and project, I feel its worth outlining tiny bit more about me, because I want to avoid anyone thinking:

“yeah but he’s naturally fit, strong, healthy etc its easy for him, it wont work for me.”

I’m not a naturally fit person: I have mild asthma , my chest constricts when I run and I get stitches easily. I HATE running , so I don’t do it anymore (thank god). In secondary school I could sprint like a bloody cheetah but anything over 200m and my gran would beat me (and she died before secondary school). The best I ever did in the cross country race in my school was probably third last. Even the guys who stopped for a fag break beat me.

At 47, no spring chicken.

My various laments

Now don’t you cry for me reading the below most it’s self inflicted from exuberant and not always strictly above board youth.

Knee pain

I have chronic knee pain in my left knee: I apparently dislocated it (a recent discovery) playing 5 a sides in my twenties (where I was also the worst and least fit player, former Alfies team mates please feel free to jump in and confirm this – but at least I didn’t puke whilst simply standing in goals [Steve].

Spinal injury

I have three crushed vertebrae in my neck (word the wise,don’t jump over small hedges that turn out to be large conifer trees kids). This has damaged the nerves in the right side of my body. This has severely affected my ability to fire my right pectoral muscle which completely withered away. It also limits my left latissimus Dorsi (back wings). As i go through body changes and get leaner you may see some strange lines in my left pec and left bicep which highlights the damage I did.

Curved spine (mild lordosis – check me sounding like a doctor)

I have a curved spine. I’m blessed with a peachy butt (my wife says) because my spine curves pretty badly down there. As a result,I’ve injured myself countless times lifting (poor form, lifting what my ego thinks I can lift). In addition due to the neck and knee damage and this all leaves other parts of my body over compensating.

Buggered ankle (not a technical term)

My right ankle is damaged: Look, it was a great stag do, but having your brother in law who is also the stag look after you as you go into shock on his big night is a little embarrassing. Three months later and I still couldn’t bend my foot or point my toes upwards.

Muscle pain

Muscle pain: everywhere… due to all these other injuries I’m really prone to pulling things and getting knots, we can delve into how to work with and avoid that in another topic.

All in all these injuries tend mean I’ve got various compensatory impacts pulling my in all sort of directions but straight which when not managed properly lends itself to imbalance and injury.

In summary

Basically though I’m really hoping when you read that you think fair enough, if he can do it why cant I. (“It” being whatever you want it be, of course)

So my goal is body composition, I want to get my old physique back. Therefore my plan is tailored toward that. That said, I hope to appeal to anyone who just wants to lose weight and feel or look better. I’ll try hard to keep that the focus going forward. I’m hoping that because I’m just:

  • a real guy
  • in my late forties
  • With a less then ideal set injuries
  • Putting it on the line in public
  • .

I’m going into this with such confidence that it will work that I don’t mind everybody watching. I’m really hoping that all above will really inspire others. I want everyone to feel they can hit their own health goals whatever they may be.